Example file
You can find an example NeoForge mods.groovy
file below:
Example NeoForge mods.groovy
NeoForgeModsDotGroovy.make {
// The mod is loaded by the javafml language (i.e. @Mod)
modLoader = 'javafml'
// Depend on any version greater than 1 of FML, equivalent to [1,) using Maven version ranges
// You can also use rawVersionRange('<mavenRange>') if we do not support parsing a specific range you want
// See the dedicated page on version ranges for more information
loaderVersion = v('>=1')
// The license if the mod is under
license = 'MIT'
// A link to the issue tracker of the mod
issueTrackerUrl = 'https://github.com/example/mod/issues'
// Configure a mod
mod {
// The ID of the mod
modId = 'mymod'
// The display name of the mod
displayName = 'My mod'
// The description of the mod. Supports multi-line strings
description = '''
My awesome mod
// The path to your mod logo, relative to the jar root
logoFile = 'mymod.png'
// The version of the mod. You can hardcode this or use '${file.jarVersion}' to substitute it with the
// Implementation-Version of the mod jar
// Alternatively you can pull the version of your Gradle Project through the syntax specified below
version = environmentInfo.version
// The authors of the mod
authors = ['Myself', 'I']
// Optional property that indicates who to credit for the mod too
// credits = ''
// A link to the homepage of your mod
// This is usually a GitHub link, CurseForge link or Modrinth link
displayUrl = 'https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/example-mod'
// Declare mod dependencies
dependencies {
// Depend on any 20.4 NeoForge version
neoforge = '[20.4,)'
// Depend on any Minecraft version greater than 1.20.4 but lower than 1.21
minecraft = '[1.20.4, 1.21)'
// Declare an optional JEI dependency
mod('jei') {
// This dependency is against any version of JEI with the major component 17
versionRange = '17.*'
type = DependencyType.OPTIONAL
// Declare your mixin configs
mixins {
mixin 'mymod.mixins.json'
// Declare the paths to your AT files
accessTransformers {
accessTransformer 'META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg'