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Gradle properties

Mods.groovy lets you expose project properties to your mods.groovy file, which can be accessed with the buildProperties['propertyName'] syntax. This contains only properties you explicitly expose:

modsDotGroovy.gather {
projectProperty 'propertyName'

Note that .gather is shorthand for configuring the default generated gather tasks; a similar .convert shorthand exists for configuring the generated conversion tasks.

Version Catalogs

Mods.groovy can capture version catalogs and exposes the values to the mods.groovy file; they are accessible through the libs property. By default, the libs version catalog is captured if it exists. To change which catalogs are captured, add to the catalogs property:

modsDotGroovy {
catalogs.add 'anotherVersionCatalog'

All captured version catalogs are merged and exposed in the same libs property.

Environment Information

The environmentInfo property exposes the raw information passed into the mods.groovy environment; in addition to the build property and version catalog information, a group and version (defaulting to the project group and version) are passed in as environmentInfo.version and The group and version passed in can be configured on the conversion task:

modsDotGroovy.convert {
projectVersion.set '1.0.0'
projectGroup.set 'org.example'