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ModsDotGroovy v2 is a tool that allows writing Minecraft mod metadata files in Groovy which is then compiled down to a mods.toml, fabric.mod.json, quilt.mod.json and/or plugin.yml when the mod is built.

It features a swappable frontend for adjusting IDE suggestions based on your target mod loader and a plugin system for adding support for new platforms and functionality.

Getting started

To start using mods.groovy, simply add the plugin to your build.gradle:

plugins {
id 'org.groovymc.modsdotgroovy' version '2.0.0-beta.10'

You can find the latest version of the plugin here.

Then add a mods.groovy file to your resources folder:

└──📂 src
└──📂 main
└──📂 resources
└──📄 mods.groovy

By default, the Gradle plugin detects your platform and sets up the right mods.groovy DSL frontend and plugins for you. The built toml/json files are put in your built jar in the place your chosen mod loader expects.